Planting for Wildlife
Youth Outreach Program 2022
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Funds Allocated
Feb 2022
Inspiring our youth to plant for wildlife
It is not just our urban environments that are reducing the vital habitat for wildlife; our countryside habitats are also reducing at an alarming rate. During Spring 2022 One Mid Devon is working with partners in the Tiverton area to provide a school and youth group outreach with the aim of discussing, inspiring and enabling children to learn how to plant to support wildlife.
We are providing resources to the teaching groups in the form of recycled half whiskey barrel planters to be painted, planted and installed throughout the area, and packets of easy-to-sow native wildflower seeds for all participants.
Once painted the planters would be provided with a small plaque detailing the school/group that designed them and a short message of choice, and they would be installed in various public locations across Tiverton (and, if such groups take part, offered to the surrounding villages where appropriate locations are identified). The installation would include compost and if desired the initial planting from a list of options. Schools/groups would be able take part in hosting an installation of planters from a different school/group. They will be photographed and included online in a directory that shares any stories behind the designs and groups.
There is no specific topic for the designs, and participants can choose to have each individually designed or adopt their own theme. Some examples are shown on this page, however free creativity is encouraged. Physical accessories can be used, for example, a planter could be fitted with some painted tennis balls for eyes and painted to look like an insect. A local craftsman would be available to provide accessories made from recycled timber and/or steel upon request.
There would be no judging of the designs, however if desired/suitable each child that takes part in the designing and/or painting can be provided with a pack of native wildflower seed pellets (commonly known as a ‘bee bomb’) and instructions explaining how to plant at home, or with permission in a public place, to provide a mini-habitat for wildlife through the summer. These could be planted on a school or community group site, or taken home by the children.
Native wildflower seeds
The wildflower seed pellets are all native plant species, and are sourced and mixed with clay in Dorset. They require no special sowing instructions or care, and can be simple scattered on soil cleared of competitive plants and watered in. The pellets contain everything needed to germinate the seeds.
At least 90% of the seed mix used are on the RHS Plants for Pollinators list, which have been specially selected to tackle the decline in pollinators.
Sharing the inspiration
From April 2022 all painted planters will be photographed and made available on our website.
Participants will be encouraged to provide future photos of any wildflowers they plant.
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